Thursday, September 12, 2013

We SHOULD Have Babies!

In Tuesday's post We're Trying, I talked about wanting people to talk to us about trying to conceive. However, I have to be careful what I wish for.

People every where are telling us that we should have babies. (This was happening long before I wrote the blog post).

Co-workers, church goers, distant relatives etc.....all think we should be mom's. It's sweet, really. It's nice to know that some day we will have a baby that is loved by many many people. The child will have role models and mentors, honorary uncles and open minded playmates, ample babysitters and more "grandparents" than we can count. The support that we are already getting from people who do not even know that we are trying to have a baby is incredible. It can also be a bit overwhelming.

The problem with this is that while a good number of people know why don't want EVERYONE to know. There are just some conversations that don't need to be had with everyone at church on Sunday morning. So, when a sweet retired pastor sitting next to us in church tells us for the 10th time that we should REALLY have children we just sort of nod and grin or reply, "Someday". Some people we give the slightly less vague responses of "we're trying" or "turns out it's not that easy" to. This sometimes elicits more questions, or puzzled looks. It's not that we are necessarily keeping it a secret, it's just that I'm certain that some people do not want to hear about my wife's menstrual cycle, the pro's and cons of have an identity release sperm donor, or what kind of catheters work best for injecting sperm into a uterus that is being shy. Heck, probably some of you reading this now aren't that interested in that information.

PS. Work is a different story. We both work for the same agency, and have decided not to tell anyone there until there is really something to tell. You know, boundaries and all that.

Has anyone else out there struggled with what to tell and to whom and when? It's an interesting game to play, that's for sure.

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