Monday, November 11, 2013

Where Did the Last Month Go?

Let's rewind to October 5th shall we? (14 days after our iui, and the first day that there was a possibility of getting an accurate reading on a pregnancy test.)

We wake up early in the morning and have the following conversation while still in bed:

Ali: Do you think we should take a pregnancy test?

Me: No, we'll find out soon enough one way or another. (AKA -- we've got a lot to do today and I don't want to start the day with a negative pregnancy test.)

Ali: I think I should take one.

So she does. And this happens. Twice.

***If you happen to know us in real life please do not mention this pregnancy in any public way (including, but not limited to Facebook). We are trying to not tell everyone until we at least hear the baby's heart beat, and we'd prefer for our employer to hear it from us first. THANKS FRIENDS!***

It was/is really unbelievable actually. As of today we are 9 weeks and 1 day pregnant. Though we are fairly confident there is a tiny human growing in there it is also easy to forget. We took the test, but sense then we have not had any confirmation that it's really true. We are getting prenatal care from a great midwife practice where we live, but they are pretty hands off when it comes to poking and prodding unnecessarily. We were there last week, and they took some blood and urine to run some tests and I asked "You're going to run a pregnancy test too, right? So we all know this isn't some sort of hoax." "She looked at me like I was crazy, and said they didn't do that." Weird. So we are banking on the clear pregnancy symptoms Ali is having (and the lack of anything alarming happening) to assure us that everything is just fine.  A week from Friday we will hear the heartbeat...I'm sure it will seem much more real after that.

We alerted some folks right away about our exciting news. That day was also the first day in our month long moving adventure, so we ended up telling some friends too, who knew we were trying so it wouldn't be totally weird that Ali wasn't lifting anything. That and we were too excited not to tell someone.

That Sunday we found out we were pregnant, moved a bunch of stuff, and on Monday Ali started her new job. To say it's been a busy month is a bit of an understatement. But, it's ALL good.

1 comment:

  1. "So we all know this isn't some sort of hoax." :)

    I can't wait until you guys hear that tiny, tiny, yet mighty, mighty, heartbeat. I'm going to have some wonderful suggestions for names. I'll text them as they come, but off the top of my head, Linda Lovejoy has a nice ring, hasn't it?
