Tuesday, November 26, 2013

We Have a Heart Beat!

We had our 2nd appointment with the midwife on Friday. We were very excited but also slightly nervous. Of course we were assuming all was well in baby growing land...but we all have heard situations where things go wrong. This was really the first real proof (after the pregnancy test, almost 7 weeks before) that we had that all was well in there.

We had to make our way through all the talking and physical exam, before they got out the doppler. Then we heard it. The midwife found it without any trouble and it registered in right around 170 beats per minute, which is right where it should be for a 10 week old fetus. It was so amazing to hear, though I think I was a bit shocked at first, that this whole thing is real. We are going to have a baby!!

Now that we've heard the heart beat on the outside the chances of miscarriage go way day. We'll be 12 weeks along on Sunday. We've been having fun sharing the news with people, and are excited to keep sharing, it's sort of fun to do it gradually and hear everyone's response. I think I'll share some on another post.


  1. Eeeeeeeeeee! I'm so happy for you two (three)! Yes! Please do share some of the responses. Have you told anybody at work? How fun!
