Sunday, June 2, 2013

Preparing for Round Two

It's hard to believe it's been a few weeks since I've written. We were obviously disappointed about Ali's inconveniently (for us) timed ovulation last month, and the fact that we were over 1000 miles away when we would otherwise be having an iui. However, something magical happened in the last few weeks.

We relaxed.

Don't get me wrong. It has been ridiculously busy. We have been away most weekends since Easter visiting with family and friends, and just generally being booked up. It's not that we forgot that we were in the midst of this incredible journey to make a baby, we simply remembered that the life we have right now is really awesome. And we lived it. We lived our lives free of thermometers and ovulation or pregnancy test and without the worry of what was happening in Ali's body. (I think she might have even eaten a hot dog at a BBQ a couple weeks ago!) We spent time on adventures together imagining walking the beach with an infant in a carrier, or being on trails with a toddler. It was great.

We start testing again on Thursday, which means we have appointments starting again next Saturday (for the following 2 weeks). All signs point to iui next Monday, as in a week from tomorrow, based average cycle length, etc. But get this, my sister graduates from high school next Sunday. My family lives an hour north of us, which means an hour further from the clinic. Her graduation is in the afternoon, so we COULD make it to an appointment early in the morning and be back for the graduation, but it would mean something like 7 hours in a car that day....which seems not at all fun.

I am hoping and praying with everything in me that it happens on Monday instead. For my convenience, so I don't miss any time with my family, or my sister's graduation. So I don't have to spend so long in the car. So I can be in Boston on a day when the Red Sox are not playing a home game literally right across the street from the clinic (which makes parking expensive or impossible). Something inside me tells me, based on how the last two months have gone that it will happen on Sunday, and I should just be prepared for that.

So, as we enter into round two we are reminded that this not-yet-conceived human is the boss of us, and we are filled with a bit more hope and excitement and joy than before. Those things have to count for something.

1 comment:

  1. Good stuff. Relaxation, love, dreams, hot dogs ... the list goes on and on. And now, downshifting into the curve. You guys are great. My heart and prayers are with you.
