Sunday, June 2, 2013

Time Keeps Ticking

It's sort of a funny thing, planning to have a baby, without actually having one. As each milestone passes we imagine what that particular day will look like next year. As Christmas approached last year we thought "Maybe we'll have a baby next year." That was kind of a long shot, since we weren't really ready to start trying at that instant. But now that we are all of these holidays and celebrations it seems more and more likely that we might actually have a baby before the next one rolls around.

In April, it's my birthday.

In May, it's Mother's Day.

In June, it's Ali's birthday.

When we did our first iui in April our due date would have been December 27th. A few days early, and we could have had a Christmas baby. A few days later and our child could have shared a birthday with his or her cousin, our sweet niece Hannah, who is now 5 months old.

When I started seriously reading other blogs of women trying to get pregnant the same way we are I was excited to come across so many women in the same boat as us. People around our ages, just starting to try to conceive. Now it seems like all of them are well on their way to mommy-hood, which makes me both hopeful, and a bit jealous.

If we get pregnant in the next couple of months we will have a baby for all of those occasions next year. Which could certainly happen, but is obviously not guaranteed. Any way it shakes out we I need to remind myself to be patient. Once the tiny human comes we will have it to share in celebrations with us for the rest of our lives.

1 comment:

  1. Good point. You'll share all these special dates and the beach and the trails, etc., with this baby-to-be, no matter when s/he arrives. And you'll be so happy s/he arrived just when s/he did; exactly then, because you wouldn't change the experiences or the baby for any ones that might have come earlier.
