Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Secret Keeping is Hard to Do

We've told a fair number of people about our pregnancy at this point, however we are not quite ready to tell the whole world. We know that sometimes things go wrong in early pregnancy and it might be easier to not explain that to everyone on our facebook friends list. So, the plan is to wait until we hear the heart beat (on the 22nd) before making any great announcement on the internet, at work (especially), or at church. In the meantime....it's become really hard to keep this secret. Not just because we really enjoy having people get excited with us, but because we apparently live in a very small community.

  • The first day at work after we found out we were pregnant EVERYONE seemed to be talking about babies/being pregnant. There was pregnancy tea in the mail room, and cans of formula everywhere. The Program Assistant in Ali's program started telling me stories randomly about when she was pregnant. My boss loudly asked the maintenance guy right outside of my office door if his wife was tired when she was pregnant (I am very certain neither of these guys' wives are pregnant currently). Our friend and co-worker came into my office and started telling me, out of the blue, how she wanted to have a baby RIGHT NOW, and how they were going to start trying soon. She was asking when we were going to have babies. She was SO excited it was almost impossible not to tell her in that moment. 

  • After work we went to Freeport to check out some baby stores. We had barely walked in the door of one of our favorite baby stores when I spotted the director of development at our agency. I dragged Ali to to the other side of the store, and prayed that she would leave without notice. Instead she meandered over to where we were and I started talking loudly (maybe too loudly) about our niece, Hannah, in a pretend conversation about her age. She probably didn't think anything of it but still. 

  • The next day there happened to be a group information session at the midwives office that we were pretty sure we were going to use. This was the first time they had offered a group session, and we decided to check it out, even though it was too early in our pregnancy to get an appointment. We were standing at the desk to check in and right behind us was a coworker, standing with a client to register for the same group session. The client, I'm certain did not recognize us, but obviously our co-worker did. I sent her an e-mail the following morning telling her that it was a surprise to see her, and that we were not very far along in our pregnancy, and would appreciate it if she did not mention it to anyone at work. She wrote back to say that she had only told one person, but not to worry because she was "a locked vault." PS. If you've told even one person, you are not a locked vault. 
  • The best story yet! Ali started a pre-natal water aerobics class at the YMCA last week. She is really excited about it, and I think it is totally amazing. She went for her first class on Wednesday, and was sitting beside the instructional pool, in her bathing suit, with a few very visibly pregnant women. Her class is at 5:30 and there's a kid's swimming lesson that goes from 5:00-5:30. Turns out her supervisor's daughter is in that  class, and of course, he was there. How long do you think it'll be before he notices that Ali is in an adult swim class with all pregnant women, and that he belly is getting bigger each week. We've got 6 more weeks to find out!! 
The world of secret keeping is full of good intentions, we'll see how long we can actually keep this one for, before the whole world knows! 

1 comment:

  1. YAAAAYAYAYYAYAAAYYY!!! I was hoping the silence lately on the blog meant this very thing! I will send happy baby-growing vibes your way (not from experience, though!), and I won't tell a soul except my soul-mate. :D
