Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Round 4: Anniversary Edition

As predicted we headed to Boston on our anniversary for our fourth iui. When we left it was pouring rain outside, we left early because the Sox were playing at 1, and we thought maybe we could beat the fans to the neighborhood. On the weekends we don't have appointments, the practitioner who is on that weekend calls at some point in the morning to set a time to meet. We were already on the road when she called, and she was grateful, since she only needs to see a couple of patients, and when we are done, she can go home and enjoy her Saturday.

We ended up getting there around 9:30, and the parking spots were taken by crazed fans who showed up to the game 3.5 hours early to roam the streets. We parked illegally in the patient drop off zone, figuring we were the only patients there, since the clinic wasn't open...the nice lady who did our insemination claimed that she'd write an "official" looking note for our windshield, it ended up looking more like a first grade art project, but we didn't get ticketed so it seems fine to me.

Everything went off without a hitch in inseminationland. There were signs that the timing was just right. There was no poking or proding. It all seemed pretty routine. So routine, I would prefer to never do it again, or at least not for a couple of years.

We are now 9 days into our two week wait. Things have been pretty uneventful around here in the pregnancy symptoms department. We are keeping ourselves busy with packing, getting ready for the big move. Also, Ali got a promotion, which she totally deserves because she is smart, and she works hard, and she has mad skills. Around here we like to do lots of life transitions all at the same time, so we should probably just add pregnancy to the mix. WAHOO!


  1. Thinking of you guys! Baby thoughts! :)

  2. Oh, IhopeIhopeIhopeIhope!

    P.S. What's Ali's promotion?
