Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Pre-Baby Babymoon

Apparently all the cool kids are taking "Babymoons." I hadn't heard the phrase until a couple of months ago when several of my friends declared they were going on one. Basically the idea is to get one big hoorah in before your baby comes. I chance to relax, and be together. Sounds great to me!!

For Christmas we got a gift certificate to this incredible inn only a couple hours from our house, that we had been to before and LOVED. We planned to take our trip over Patriot's Day, because we had an extra day off of work, and it was supposed to be right before our first iui. Well, plans changed and we decided to do our iui in March (which became the start of April) which meant our adventure fell right in the middle of our (dreaded) two week wait.

Can I just say it was amazing! We have filed it away as one of the best weekends ever.

We got there just in time for afternoon tea.  They put out five different kinds of fresh baked cookies and tea.
The napped on the king sized bed with like 8000 count sheets.
Then we ate some more.
Then we put in a movie and snuggled by the fire until it was time to go back to sleep.

They had a two course breakfast everyday. (Pictured, banana cream french toast, cumin bacon and fruit, this was the second course. The first course was baked pears on lemon poppyseed bread, with lemon and raspberry sauce...yum.)
We wandered around to the shops and bought yummy cheese and veggies for lunch.
Then we had cookies, tea, and a nap.
Then we had a five course dinner which was a very delicious adventure. Seriously gourmet foods that we would probably never cook or eat. We had no choice over the menu, but it was fantastic.

On Monday after we checked out we went on a hike up Maiden's cliff. It was the perfect Spring day for a hike.

Did I mention there was a jacuzzi tub?

Everything about this adventure was amazing and relaxing. We didn't have to worry about cooking, or cleaning, or working. We just enjoyed each other's company, and got lots of sleep. Any talk of the hopeful pregnancy was not filled with anxiety but excitement that someday we'll get to share so many awesome things with a tiny human. It was magical.

1 comment:

  1. Okay, so I couldn't help but read the latest post, first. I loved it. Oh, those perfect moments in time, with one's love. So amazing that life and the world can come together in something so dazzling.
