Monday, August 5, 2013

More than a Case of the Mondays

We made the mistake of taking a pregnancy test last night. It was only day 12 post iui (too early to get a really good read), and we took it at night, even though the instructions clearly state that the morning is the best time to do it.

It was negative. Now I am negative.

The negative test coupled with no pregnancy symptoms at all make me fairly pessimistic about this whole process.

I know, somewhere deep inside me, that there's still a chance, but the realistic/grumpy/frustrated part of me is currently winning my internal battle. I thought we had a good shot this time.

I barely slept last night, due mostly to an incredibly painful charley horse. Exhaustion paired with pessimism makes for a pretty rotten Monday morning.


  1. :( You guys will make excellent mothers, one day. I just know it. I wish that you could know ahead of time when it will be. <3
