Friday, August 9, 2013

Cycle Day 1 or National Rootbeer Float Day

We discovered our un-pregnancy Tuesday afternoon, shortly before our departure from work. Al and I work in the same building for the same agency, but in different programs. It works out great for smiling at your love once or twice during the day, or for delivering breakfast or lunch, or talking quick logistics about the rest of the day. It's also sometimes when your wife tells you that that thing you had suspected but really wished was not true is actually true. "It's official" is all she needed to tell me that afternoon, and I knew. It's hard because in a moment like that all you want to do is wrap her up in your arms and rub her head and kiss her face, but you can't because you are at work.

So we went home together and we spent some time in tears; frustrated and sad, and all sorts of other emotions. We felt them. Which is important, and something that we have not always done after discovering that that thing we would like the most is not happening, not now.

After the tears were shed we got up, and e-mailed for our next insemination appointments and we headed to the gym. We ran and ran, and it was good. I'm not very athletic but something about listening to "Single Ladies" and running much longer than you thought you were capable of running is very therapeutic.

We went home, and threw away our dinner plans (something wholesome and veggie-rific) and opted instead for potato wedges and peach smoothies, with spinach. These things have become comfort foods at our house.

We watched The Foster's wedding on ABC Family, and I asked my sweet love on a Cycle Day 1 date (a tradition that I was happy to start, but would prefer to never do again.) I saw that our local ice cream shop was celebrating National Root beer Float Day with $1 off floats. My love LOVES root beer, so I knew it would be a perfect Cycle Day 1 adventure. So we went, and enjoyed a tasty treat, and we toasted to new beginnings.


  1. So I tried to comment after I read this post, but I don't think it worked ... so I am trying again. :) Keep your heads up, ladies! The two of you love each other so much, just hold on to that and it will get you through these tough times. If you need anyone to talk to about the hardship on conception, text me or call me ... I know what you're going through. You'll get through this. You are both amazing women and you will be wonderful mothers.

  2. So much love...

    ~Ashley Young

  3. Yes. Here's to new beginnings. And to that lucky, lucky someday baby, who will know a life of love and delight.
